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ScoTpress History | Zine Archive |
"Welcome to our new project - a growing archive of zines published by ScoTpress and IDIC. Zines were an important part of Star Trek fandom back in the days when you were lucky to see an episode once a week and then only for a few weeks a year. We went months without any episodes and contact between fans was mostly limited to letters, long distance phone calls and the occasional convention. As a result a number of fan writers decided to write their own stories and the fans who didn't have the gift of writing their own stories were only too keen to read any stories they could get their hands on. These stories were then printed in fanzines and distributed across fandom.
Print fanzines have been part of Star Trek Fandom's history for over 40 years. We want to honour this history by preserving these zines and by also giving more recent fans the opportunity to see what they looked like in their original print formatting.
The zines are available to open and download as PDFs. The PDFs have been produced by scanning the original zines and they are readable on a computer, laptop or tablet with a 8"+ vertical screen. You might struggle to read them on smaller screens.
Note - some of the individual stories from these zines have already been posted as html files where we were able to get permission from the writers. These are linked from the contents list of the zines where they originally appeared (the title will be coloured).
COPYRIGHT. While we had permission from the writers and artists to publish their fanworks in our zines with reprint rights and hard copies of many (though not the earliest) of these zines do exist in the British Library, none of us in fandom in those early days envisioned online publication. Unfortunately we have lost touch with most of the writers and artists and some of them are no longer with us. We are hoping none of our contributors will object to us making the zines available through the Archive as part of our way of honouring and preserving early fandom. If you are a writer or an artist who does object, please contact us to discuss various options, such as removing your work. The story/art pages can be replaced with placeholder pages leaving only the title and the contributor’s name in the Table of Contents. Contact Us
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Click on the title to go to the index.